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About Me

Creative thinking for building businesses in our changing world.

Hello and thanks for stopping by... I love developing brand vision and stories for businesses just like yours.

Can I tell you a quick story? Let's pretend I'm in lawn care and we meet at a party. If you asked me what I do, and I responded, “I mow lawns. I've mowed lawns forever, and it is such a fulfilling job for me. I love the smell of the grass. And do you know, the color green makes me so happy!” Along with thinking I'm a little off, you would most likely quickly move in another direction.

Let's try this scenario again. You ask me what I do, and I pause for a moment, and ask you, “Do you enjoy free time? I bet there are a ton of things you love to do in your free time. So, do you know what I do? I give you back your free time by mowing your lawn and doing all the upkeep to make your yard the envy of your neighbors giving you the time to watch the game, or take your kiddos out for weekend fun!” At this point, I'm imagining you'd ask for my card.

So I won't be able to help you with your lawn care, but I do want to make your customer the hero of your business story. And not only make your brand visually appealing, but also craft stories that will make you and your business stand out from your competition.

I'm Heidi Boyd and I've worked most of my design career with million and billion dollar corporate businesses. However, for the last two years I've operated my own agency serving both Fortune 500 clients and small startup businesses. My 25+ years of experience gives me a voice of authority in creating brand strategies and compelling marketing solutions for growing business.

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